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  • megansigler

Archive of the Mind - Kimsooja

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

Kimsooja's stunning installation piece, "Archive of the Mind," is an artwork that visitors can truly connect with. This installation consists of a 19ft long elliptical-shaped table surrounded by wooden stools, countless neutral-toned clay balls, a dimly lit room, and audio titled "Unfolding Sphere." Kimsooja’s website explains the representation of each clay ball. Made of clay and water, each sphere represents a planet. The countless representative planets are surrounded by many others, which begin to form complex constellations. Perhaps this represents the complexity and remarkability of the universe. People who have visited this installation have been allowed to become a part of it by shaping their own clay ball to be added to the collection on the table. Participants are encouraged to sit around the elongated table and begin forming their own small touch to the overall work. Each of the individual spheres that visitors have created has been combined to create a remarkable collection. Although the impact of each clay ball is small, the visitors are still left with a feeling of participation in a great work of art. There has been so much participation in this work that many spheres can no longer fit on the table! The extra clay balls are kept in storage, as to not rid any work of the visitors.

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