I've chosen artists' websites that portray elements that I would love to incorporate into my own website.
This website is my favorite out of the ones I've listed. I really appreciate the unique qualities of the site, such as the splash page and the television static background. I wish the website was easier to navigate, as sometimes I wasn't sure where to click.
This website is also affiliated with A$AP Rocky, meaning it has a similar aesthetic as the last one. My favorite part about this site was the home page, which has a gridded layout. Each square of the grid is a link to a different piece of work.
I like the style of the heading and menu of this website. I also like the collages of images that she includes. Personally, I think it may have been better to include a home page rather than directly dropping viewers into the "concert" category.
With this website, I like that the home page grid includes both images and videos. This keeps the viewers' eyes moving around the screen. On the other hand, I do not particularly like the menu style that the artist uses.